mentor. healer. alchemist.
I am an alchemist.
Defined as a person who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process.
When you work with me you see what is truly possible for you and start to walk toward it. It is as though you've been working down a dark corridor, one way only. When you're with me, you step into a circular room of doors, full of possibility. Ones you've potentially denied for so long and some you never even considered a possibility. And then you have a choice.
Step through the door. Do the work that allows you to move forward into that reality - or.... Go back. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Excuses, stories, limiting beliefs, disempowerment - all take you back to the corridor.
Doing the work moves you forward.
Together we mix a new future seemingly magically, right before your very eyes.
What needs to fall away? What's standing in the way? What's holding you back? Where do you need to be brave?
Because you have to be brave.
Not everyone will do the work; but you will because you're not content to just get by; to feel your life being half lived, to be told what to do by others. You know there is more here for you and you're brave enough to find it.
Bravery is rewarded with the truest of self in every are of your life: love - work - money - business - friends - family.
Do you doubt your own bravery? I don't.
You wouldn't be here if you weren't ready to move forward to the True North that is yours.
Much love,
Jess xo